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These are my global experiences

And when I am back in Madrid...

I feel it

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

UF Engineering Study Abroad in Madrid, Spain

I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) during Fall 2022, this was my junior year. I was able to take classes that had a direct equivalence to UF classes towards my Biomedical Engineering (BME) major. This is important because you do not want to fall behind in your path to graduation. I arranged housing independently, contacting a student housing agency located in Spain. I am fluent in Spanish, which facilitated communication. I found two other UF students going to UC3M the same semester as me through a group chat that was created by the UF International Center. We decided to share an apartment in the heart of Madrid. Our daily commute to class was a 40 minute metro ride. It may sound long, but not having to drive was amazing. The Madrid metro system is incredibly efficient. I enjoyed the UC3M, located in the Leganés area of Madrid. My classes were all taught in English, but there were mainly Spanish students in all of them. The BME major is only offered in English at UC3M. I managed to travel around Spain during the weekends via their Renfe train system. My experience in Madrid was amazing!


UF offers students a vast array of exciting study abroad programs. Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives and immerse themselves in new cultures. The UF International Center provides students with the resources and guidance needed throughout this process.

BME 3508

Biosignals and Systems

BME 4503

Biomedical Instrumentation

BME 4632

Transport Phenomena

Welcome to Brazil

HOOBOX Robotics

UF Engineering Internship in São Paulo, Brazil

During Summer 2022, I participated in the UF in Brazil - Engineering Internship Program. The first couple of weeks we toured companies and universities across Brazil. These tours included companies such as Petrobras and Suzano, and both public and private universities, University of São Paulo and Insper, respectively. Concurrently, we were participating in a course that taught us about the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture. 


After the first two weeks, we started our internships. I was grouped with students from UF and Texas Tech to join a team at HOOOBOX Robotics. HOOOBOX is a startup company that is based at the "incubator" of the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo. Due to data privacy concerns, I will only share the basics of the project. It involved computer vision and a neural network used for the medical setting. We also had the opportunity to conduct a market analysis for the introduction of a product into a specific market. 


During my stay in Brazil, I was also able to travel to many places around the country. I visited Rio de Janeiro, Salvador Bahia, Campos do Jordão, and even saw Iguazú Falls from a helicopter.


Overall, UF in Brazil was a memorable program that I totally recommend to anyone interested in exploring a very culturally-rich country.



EGN 4949

Engineering Internship - Brazil

EGN 4932

Engineering on a Global Context - Brazil

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