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Open your wings, and just fly!

What I learned

Skills that traveling will give you



When I moved to Spain, I quickly learned that it was not common, as it is in the US, to have AC everywhere. My apartment did not have it. This proved to be difficult at first, but once you realize that a commodity you are used to is not a necessity, it becomes a whole lot easier. I also learned how to hang my clothes out to dry due to the lack of a dryer. This quickly became normal to me, and not a burden. You have to stay flexible and embrace the differences!



There will be days when you feel down, when you get home-sick, and when it feels like you keep messing up. It will be okay. I think my experiences abroad have made me stronger. When you are forced to keep pushing through because you know it all depends on you, that's when you realize your full potential. It is important to prioritize tasks, break things down into smaller steps, and give ourselves a break when we are dealing with a lot of obstacles. And remember:

"Diamonds are made under pressure."



Living with two guys from UF, we had a lot of freedom when it came to how our apartment was managed. We decided curfews, cleaning schedules, guest policies, and more. This freedom can be intimidating, but when you realize that you are a capable adult, and act like one, it isn't too bad. Like Taylor Swift said on her commencement speech at NYU:

"The scary news is, you're on your own now. But the cool news is, you're on your own now."


Cultural Awareness

Nothing gives me the ick more than a person who is blatantly culturally-unaware. I have unfortunately met people who have clearly never tried to understand a culture other than their own. This is always very apparent in conversations. Global experiences turn you into a global citizen. You are able to spark conversations, understand references, make more friends, and ultimately be a better global ambassador for the Gator Nation

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